Curbside Meal Pickup

Meal pickup is available to our members only for a donation of $5.00. You must call the day before to pre-order. Pick up is 11:30 am until 12:30 pm in the front parking lot



1. Drop off those Redner receipts as long as you are a member of their rewards program.

We will earn money based on your total sales.

Our Capital Campaign is well under way. Some may say why do you still need money? You received money from the State and County and others have already donated money to the Capital Campaign Goal. The answer is easy.

  1. We are going to have some cost overruns due to pricing and changes that have had to be made that were unexpected.
  2. We need to make sure we have funds to purchase all of the furniture and items needed in a new building.
  3. Our operating cost will be higher and we need to make sure we have funds to cover those expenses until we find other monies to cover these costs in the future.
  4. The campaign recognition we are planning will be a way for members or others to remember or honor someone as a memorial. The recognition program will be on going as a way to continue to make donations in the future.
  5. We will be contacting anyone that has already made a donation to the Capital Campaign to see the wording you want used.
    A Letter and Form will be mailed shortly.

Some have asked what the stone and leaves will look like for the tree for the Campaign fundraiser. Here is an example of the stone and leave colors we are planning to use.