Curbside Meal Pickup

Meal pickup is available to our members only for a donation of $5.00. You must call the day before to pre-order. Pick up is 11:30 am until 12:30 pm in the front parking lot


Dear Friends of Harrington Senior Center:

I am excited to share a great opportunity for local businesses, organizations and individuals to consider participating as an Annual Sponsor in support of the Harrington Senior Center. 

Our goal is to provide your business with many advertising opportunities during the year based on the level you would select.  Your dollars will assist us in providing the current services for our senior members while allowing us to expand and provide other needed services to our clientele.

In addition, instead of making requests of support to you each time we have a fundraiser, this annual sponsorship would automatically list you as a sponsor for these events.

Click the links below to read about your opportunity to help our organization continue to thrive and grow.

Sponsorship Cover Letter

Sponsorship Cost and Registration Form

We hope you will consider become a partner with us in supporting the seniors in our community.

Thank you!

Karen Crouse Executive Director